Welcome to My Story

I'm a Franco-American green designer with a passion for sustainability and a lifelong connection to nature.

  • Growing up, my parents instilled in me an ecological conscience, inspiring me to make a difference. My father's dedication to the environmental cause has been a constant source of inspiration, and I've been fortunate enough to learn from his example.

  • Since I was 4 years old, I've been fascinated by Amerindian culture and its deep respect for the environment. This fascination has only grown stronger over the years, and I've come to realize that my connection to nature is at the core of who I am.

  • That's why I've chosen to live in the middle of the forest, surrounded by the beauty and wonder of the natural world. Being in nature helps me disconnect and reconnect, and I feel most at peace when I'm surrounded by trees and wildlife.

  • As a creative director with 11 years of experience, I've always wondered how I could use my skills to make a positive impact. I've come to realize that the most effective way to do this is by partnering with companies that share my values and passion for sustainability.

  • I believe that authenticity and trust are at the heart of any successful partnership. That's why I'm committed to being transparent and honest in all of my interactions. I'm not just a creative director & project manager - I'm a partner, a collaborator, and a friend. And I'm excited to work with companies that share my vision and values.

  • If you're looking for a project manager who is passionate, dedicated, and committed to making a difference, then let's work together. I'd love the opportunity to discuss how we can elevate your brand and make a positive impact on the world.

As a green designer, I collaborate with clients to craft sustainable solutions that drive impact. My streamlined process combines creativity and eco-conscious expertise, ensuring harmonious brand identities and communications. Unlike traditional agencies, I tap into my network of specialized experts to curate a bespoke team for each project, guaranteeing a precise match of skills and expertise.