Modernizing & digitizing
France-Amérique Magazine*


    France-Amérique Magazine, a historical bilingual publication founded in 1943, targeting the Francophile community, sought to modernize its image, attract a younger audience, and increase subscriptions. The magazine faced the challenge of appealing to a new generation while maintaining its existing audience and preserving its rich heritage.


    • Modernize the magazine's image and branding • Attract a younger audience and increase subscriptions • Increase digital presence and advertising revenue • Partner with great artists and creatives • Become known among all Francophiles • Preserve the magazine's historical legacy and heritage


    We partnered with Guenola Pellen, Director of the magazine, and Anne-Lise Caillez Marketing Agency to rebrand and modernize the publication. Our strategy included:

    • Creating a mobile app • Launching targeted digital marketing campaigns • Modernizing branding, website, and materials • Collaborating with illustrators and photographers • Refreshing the layout and content • Balancing modernization with preserving the magazine's heritage • We overcame the challenge of bilingualism and updated the magazine to appeal to a younger audience.


    • Surpassed digital advertising revenue by 372% • Increased brand awareness within the North American Francophile community • Recaptured 30% of lost subscribers • Boosted annual subscription revenue by 24%.


    This project demonstrates my ability to modernize and revitalize a traditional brand while maintaining its existing audience and preserving its rich heritage. By partnering with a global marketing agency and collaborating with talented creatives, we successfully rebranded France-Amérique Magazine and achieved significant growth in digital presence, advertising revenue, and subscriptions. The bilingual aspect of the magazine added an extra layer of complexity, but we were able to navigate this challenge and deliver a visually appealing and engaging publication that honors its historical legacy.

  • “I enjoy the quality of the magazine and it being a bridge between France and America.”

    Nicolas, France

  • “An informative and beautifully designed magazine for those of us straddling the two cultures.”

    Véronique, France

  • “C’EST CHIC.”

    Thomas, Minnesota

  • “It’s iconic. As a French-American, I am very proud of your magazine.”

    Éric, Colorado

  • “Very high standard of writing and translating.”

    Jonathan, California


    Kevin, Ontario

*Legacy Project: This magazine design project showcases my expertise in print design, developed during my 6-year tenure in the media industry + 2-year in the publishing industry. Although created before my transition to sustainable design, it demonstrates my creative capabilities and attention to detail. However, my experience in print also revealed the environmental impact of paper waste and sparked my passion for sustainable design. Today, I apply my skills to create eco-friendly solutions that minimize waste and promote a greener future.